Single Softeners

Single Tank Softeners

Single tank water softeners have one resin tank and one brine tank that are used to clean your hard water. The resin tank contains resin beads that remove the minerals that cause hard water. The brine tank is where the salt is stored. Omega Water Treatment Inc. in Cortland, OH, sales and installs your single tank softener in your home. We offer quality brands and durable equipment that will last you years. Give us a call at (800) 589-9117 or 330-638-6659 to request a quote.
Single Tank — Big White Water Tank in Cortland, OH

Is a single tank water softener right for you?

Single tank water softeners are good for homes with limited space. They have been the standard for homes and do a pretty good job with heard water. Over the years, single tank softeners can offer soft water on demand. This equipment is lower in cost and takes up less space with better water quality. 
Single Tank — Big White Water Tank in Cortland, OH

Is a single tank water softener right for you?

Single tank water softeners are good for homes with limited space. They have been the standard for homes and do a pretty good job with hard water. Over the years, single tank softeners can offer soft water on demand. This equipment is lower in cost and takes up less space with better water quality. 

Our Single Tank Units

Learn about the different types of units that will fit your home and needs. Give us a call at (800) 589-9117 or 330 638-6659 today.
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